
  • All claims for missing or damaged goods must be reported to us (847)991-4010 within 5 business days of receipt of shipment.
  • Team Store will not be responsible for claims after 5 working days.
  • If shipment was damaged during shipping, please file a claim directly with UPS (we would be happy to assist you).

Custom/Close-out Orders:

  • No refunds, returns or exchanges for any custom or close-out orders. Custom products are defined as any product we customize with a name including but not limited to banners, awards and namebadges.
  • No returns on ANY garment custom made with a logo, other than the REALTOR® logo.

Returned Checks:

  • There will be a $25 per-check charge for all returned checks.

International Shipments:

  • The customer is responsible for customs and brokerage fees.
  • Please check with your local UPS for exact charges, they vary widely by region. Expect $25-$50 at a minimum.


  • When will you receive your item? View our detailed information about production and shipping here.
  • Click Here to see our detailed shipping instructions.


  • Any and all free shipping coupons do not include overnight, 2-day, 3-day, or international shipping.  Free shipping will not apply to any US locations outside the continental US unless USMail is chosen. Free shipping will not apply to custom items in our "Custom Items" category.

For any questions, please contact us at by email:: or by phone at (847) 991-4010