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Sale - While Supplies Last
Was $49.99, Now $19.99

This device has two modes; one for measuring humans and one for measuring objects. If you feel your device is not accurate please see our image to confirm device is set to measure a person.

Boards will want these that at any kind of training, board meeting, social gathering, or event where you have members gathering closely.  Get extras to prevent lines and backups. 

Members will want these to test buyers at open houses, for face to face meetings with customers to show them you are safe, and to use at home with friends and family. 

These non-contact thermometers allow you to accurately take a person's forehead temperature in 1 second. Precise to 1/10th of a degree, and accurate +- 0.2°C

This piece has two modes, one for measuring humans and one for measuring objects.  If you feel your device is not accurate please see the image we made to confirm device is set for measuring for a person. 

Includes two batteries 

Warranty: 12 months from date of purchase.  Warranty is backed and honored by The REALTOR Team Store®, you will not have to deal with any other entity. You do not have to register or mail anything, simply ordering online begins the warranty. Warranty applies to defective product only, not obvious abuse.  12 month warranty only applies to REALTORS® and REALTOR® associations. Non-member purchases include a three month warranty.

Retail: $49.99
Price: $19.99
You Save: $30.00 (60.0%)

    • Includes a card we printed at Team Store with EASY instructions on how to use the piece, how to load batteries, and how to change to fahrenheit (card is meant to be keep with piece for use at events by volunteers)
    • Automatic shutdown after 30 seconds
    • High temperature alert (Green, Orange, Red)
    • Backlit display
    • Takes 1 second to accurately measure temperature
    • Can be switched to a mode for measuring household items too
    • 16 memory slots for storing temps (will not be used by 99% of our customers)
    • Adjustable from Celsius to Fahrenheit (comes set to Celsius and will need to be programed for use in the USA). 
    • Low battery warning
    • Measuring Distance: 3-5 cm (1.2 to 2 inches)
    • Batteries are not inserted in the box or device, packaged bulk (separate) 
    • *12 month warranty only applies to REALTORS® and REALTOR associations.  Non-member purchases include a three month warranty. 
    • Do not measure too close it can spread germs if you touch, and it reduces the accuracy
    • These are not certified for medical use and we make no representations, warranties or promises, express or implied, regarding the efficacy of these products to prevent, or reduce exposure to any illnesses, viruses or other medical conditions. We will not be responsible if used for medical use.
    • Team Store and the National Association of REALTORS® shall in no way have any responsibility for, or incur any liability with respect to use or application of these products by purchasers or end users.
    • Placing an order for these products constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
    • This light-weight thermometer can be easily carried in a pocket or purse
    • Ships from: Palatine, IL