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Sale - While Supplies Last
Was $99.99, Now $29.99

Simple to use, just one button to press. 

These non-contact thermometers allow you to accurately take a person's forehead temperature in 1 second. Precise to 1/10th of a degree, and accurate +- 0.2°C/0.3°C.

Includes two batteries.

Retail: $99.00
Price: $29.99
You Save: $69.01 (69.7%)

    • This product is not returnable.
    • These are not certified for medical use and we make no representations, warranties or promises, express or implied, regarding the efficacy of these products to prevent, or reduce exposure to any illnesses, viruses or other medical conditions. We will not be responsible if used for medical use.
    • Team Store and the National Association of REALTORS® shall in no way have any responsibility for, or incur any liability with respect to use or application of these products by purchasers or end users.
    • Placing an order for these products constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
    • About the size of a small TV remote
    • Runs on AAA batteries
    • This light-weight thermometer can be easily carried in a pocket or purse
    • Includes 180-day warranty, must keep packaging
    • Not available with the REALTOR® logo
    • Ships from: Palatine, IL